The FutuRes-PV project

Objectives of the FutuRes-PV project

The overarching objectives of the FutuRes-PV project lie in an integrated analyses of the potential future development of residential PV systems in Austria and cover

  1. the simulation of household PV investment scenarios in Austria with a novel technology diffusion model; and
  2. the evaluation of the macroeconomic and distributive effects of these prosumer scenarios on different household groups (differentiated by income quantiles and other relevant socio-economic characteristics); and
  3. the development of policy recommendations that also ensure the participation of vulnerable groups in the energy transition in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders in order to ensure their practical feasibility, effectiveness and compliance with the overall goal of decarbonisation.

From these overarching objectives, the following sub-goals can be derived:

Work Packages

WP1: Project Management

WP2: Foundations

WP3: Characteristics of PV adoption

WP4: Technology diffusion model

WP5: Macroeconomic modelling

WP6: Policy Recommendations

WP7: Stakeholder Process and Dissemination