Stakeholder-Workshop "Households and PV systems in Austria"
On February 25th, 2025, a stakeholder workshop was held at WIFO in the context of the FutuRes-PV project. Survey results on the characteristics of Austrian prosumers and motives and barriers to investing in PV systems were discussed.
In the first part of the workshop, Tugba Atasoy presented first results from a household survey on the characteristics of Austrian prosumers and their motives and barriers to investing in PV systems. The survey results show that legal framework conditions (such as restrictions regarding the installation of PV systems in multi-family houses) and financial aspects are key determinants for the adoption of PV sys-tems by Austrian households. The results were evaluated and validated through discussions with the stakeholders. In the second part of the workshop, Kagan Yueüksel introduced the technology diffusion model, which simulates adoption pathways of PV systems in Austrian households, and presented pre-liminary results. Stakeholder feedback will be considered in the development of policy scenarios.
The presentation can be downloaded below:
Presentations and Documentation from the Stakeholder Workshop